Kitten News

Kittens born 25th May 2022
At the end of May 2022 our lovely queen Eleanor (Magisragis Lady Pushinka) welcomed her second litter together with daddy Beau (Valkea Beau of Karamearags). We have three girls: Pushinkas Darcey Bussell, Pushinkas Misty Copeland and Pushinkas Margot Fonteyn - and one boy: Pushinkas Rudolf Nureyev.
I named this litter after famous ballet dancers as ballet is something very close to my heart, since I trained as a dancer and was previously a ballet teacher for nine years.

Kittens born 29th April 2021
In April 2021 our beautiful queen Eleanor (Magisragis Lady Pushinka) welcomed her first litter together with daddy Beau (Valkea Beau of Karamearags).
We had a little girl: Pushinkas Henrietta Heinz - and two boys: Pushinkas Jeremiah Colman and Pushinkas Branston Pickle.
The unusual theme for this litter of Condiments came about because the little girl was born weighing only 57g so I immediately nicknamed her "Heinz" as in "Heinz 57 Varieties" and the name stuck, as she had many people following her story on our social media channels as I hand fed her to help her catch up with her brothers.